How to Treat Your Dog Bite Wound

Caring for a dog bite wound or injury is important.  Here are some tips for how to treat a dog bite wound immediately following a bite or attack:

  1. Call 9-1-1 or seek immediate attention at an ER or Urgent Care if there are any puncture wounds or if the surface of the skin is broken.  In any case it is prudent to visit your primary physician within 24 hours.  If the dog was foaming at the mouth or was a stray you should head straight to the ER.  Rabies can be fatal.
  2. If bleeding is severe, elevate the area, cover with a sterile pad or bandage, washcloth or towel and apply pressure.
  3. Infection is actually one of the greatest risks.  All wounds can be carefully washed with warm soapy water.
  4. Puncture wounds: Do NOT use hydrogen peroxide, rubbing alcohol (Isopropyl), iodine or mercurochrome on puncture wounds.  Many puncture wounds may not require a dressing.  To stop bleeding use a sterile pad or towel and apply pressure.  Puncture wounds should be treated by an urgent care or medical clinic who know how to treat a dog bite wound while preventing the risks of infection.
  5. Open Wound, Gash or Tearing Injury: After washing the wound you may apply hydrogen peroxide, rubbing alcohol (Isopropyl), iodine or mercurochrome.  You may apply a dressing to cover the wound prior to your trip to the ER, but do not use a steri-strip, butterfly dressing or any other means to close the wounds.
  6. If for some reason you elect not to go to the ER or urgent care, contact your physician and ask about a tetanus shot or antibiotics.
  7. Contact our experienced dog bite injury team to learn how to recover all medical expenses and just and fair compensation for dog bite injuries.  The majority of California homeowners and even renters are now covered by homeowners or renters insurance policies which provide coverage for these injuries.

These tips for how to treat a dog bite wound are not intended to replace professional medical care, but are provided as a guide to help families in the immediate aftermath of an attack.

My name is Rivers Morrell and I have more than 40 years of experience as a dog bite and  injury attorney.  After you have received treatment for your wounds I invite you to review the strong recommendations of our clients and the legal industry and contact us or call 949-305-1400 to speak with me personally for a free consultation.  There is no cost to you out of pocket as we work on a contingency fee basis.  Learn how to recover financially for your medical expenses and all treatments and the types of compensation which are available to those who have suffered dog bite injuries.

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