Husky Ruled as Vicious Dog

Recent Vicious Dog Case Ruling in Santa Ana Highlights Risks

A judge in Santa Ana recently reversed his own decision to euthanize a Husky mix dog who had been labeled as “vicious” by the Orange County Animal Care.  The dog was transferred to a preserve in North Carolina ending a pitched legal battle between animal rights activists and Orange County California.

The Husky’s DNA showed a portion of “wolf” in the mix.  This is important as breeds of dogs that include a wolf mix are more prone to attacks resulting in serious injuries to children and Orange County residents.  The dog was accused of killing at least one cat, and charging but not biting a woman in Anaheim.

It is unknown if rabbies vaccinations work on breeds with even a small percentage of “wolf” DNA, and therefore the judge upheld the County’s ruling of “vicious” in this case.  The judge noted in his ruling that the Court was addressing “irresponsible pet ownership”, and that the dog was as much a victim of its owners as it was a threat to other animals and people.

The case raises core issues for Orange County dog owners: you are strictly liable for the actions of your dog, and will be held financially responsible for any injuries your pet causes.

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