What Are Some of the Most Common Injuries Which Result from a Fall in a Nursing Home

What are some of the most common injuries which result from a fall in a nursing home?  When is a nursing home or assisted care facility responsible and accountable when a patient fall results in injury?  Injuries at assisted care facilities and nursing homes are a significant challenge in Anaheim, Orange County, Los Angeles and across Southern California.  The US Centers for Disease Control or CDC recently reported almost 75% of nursing home residents fall each year, and most patients fall more than once.  The average national statistic for patient falls in a nursing home is two falls for each bed in a given facility each year.

The most common injuries which result from a fall in a nursing home include head wounds and brain injury, broken ribs, a broken hip or pelvis as well as fractured arms and wrists.  The CDC reports that over 1,800 nursing home resident deaths occur each year in the United States.  If your loved one suffers a fatal fall in a California nursing home or assisted care facility it could result in a wrongful death lawsuit.

Another unfortunately common issue assisted care facilities and nursing homes is the administration of improper medication or overdose. Nursing home and assisted care patients and residents usually require extensive medication.  According to the CDC most nursing homes and care facilities are understaffed, or there are not enough medical professionals available to treat the number of patients in a given facility.  It is easy to see how overworked staffers or inexperienced caregivers could make a serious mistake in dosage or provide the wrong medication to a patient resulting in allergic reactions or overdose.  The disorientation or confusion resulting from improper medication is another reason why so many patients suffer injuries from a fall.

It is the responsibility and legal obligation of a California nursing home or assisted care facility to provide a high standard of care for their patients and residents and protect them from injuries which result from a fall.  If you or someone you love is injured in a fall at a nursing home or assisted care facility we invite you to review the recommendations of our clients and the legal industry and contact the Law Firm of Rivers Morrell or call 949-305-1400 for a free consultation.

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