Transmitting HIV or AIDS without Advance Warning Can Result in Civil Financial Damages

Transmitting HIV or AIDS without advance warning to an intimate partner can result in civil financial damages.  If you have received HIV or AIDS from an intimate partner without warning prior to intimate contact you may have a case.  If your partner has financial substance such as a professional athlete, celebrity, TV or Radio personality or business owner we can help.  Unfortunately, if the other party does not have financial resources there is simply no basis for a successful case.

Many of our Sexually Transmitted Disease or STD clients were concerned that there would be no way to prove their case.  It is not uncommon to hear “It’s your word against mine,” or “You probably got it from someone else.”  Nothing could be further from the truth.  My name is Rivers Morrell, and after 40 years of experience as a personal injury attorney in Los Angeles, Orange County and Riverside County I can tell you it is possible to successfully prove an STD case.  We have successfully managed many STD cases over the years. We can help to hold the person who gave you HIV or AIDS financially responsible and accountable.

Transmitting HIV or AIDS without advance warning forces you to accept the reality of medical treatment for the rest of your life.  It is possible to effectively manage HIV or AIDS and our work together will provide the resources you need to be able to seek ongoing treatment, medications, therapy and support.  Many of our clients feel hopeless and ashamed.  You will feel better once you have the facts.  I invite you to call and speak with me personally at (949)305-1400.  We will discuss your unique circumstances, and all I and my law firm can do to help.

There is hope for the future, and I invite you to read the recommendations of my former STD clients.  They are filled with optimism and hope.  You can be too.

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