Can I File A Lawsuit Against Someone For Giving Me an STD

“Can I file lawsuit against someone for giving me an STD in LA or Orange County?”  Unfortunately, many people that are sexually active and aware of their own sexually transmitted diseases (“STDs”), fail to inform or actively conceal their infection status from their partners. This is how many STDs such as HIV, HPV, and HSV-2 are spread from partner to partner. After being betrayed by their partners, and contracting these incurable diseases, many people wonder what type of recourse they may have against the person who knowingly infected them with these viruses.

Fortunately, in California there are civil laws to protect victims in these circumstances. In California, there are laws against an individual from knowingly (or negligently) transmitting an STD to another partner. For instance, if a boyfriend knowingly conceals the fact that he has Genital Herpes and transmits this to his girlfriend, the girlfriend may be able to sue the boyfriend for her damages. Oftentimes, punitive damages can be granted in these types of cases. The value of the punitive damages is based on the financial status and wealth of the Defendant, so sometimes, when the Defendant is a wealthy individual, there can be high value in these cases. There have been many recent highly publicized cases against celebrities for these types of cases that have settled in the seven-figure range.

One concern many individuals have with these types of lawsuits is the shame and embarrassment that they may sustain by filing a public lawsuit. However, oftentimes, a Plaintiff may conceal their identity as a “John” or “Jane” doe, and remain anonymous when they file a lawsuit to protect their privacy. This can help them remain private if they do not want to face the publicity of these types of lawsuits.

Personal injury STD cases are very complex, and there are very few attorneys that have experience in this field. At the Law Firm of Rivers Morrell, we have successfully handled countless STD cases to success, and have the experience to properly advise you on the best legal strategies available for your claims.

“Can I file a lawsuit against someone for giving me an STD in LA?  If you believe you have been knowingly infected with a sexually transmitted disease by your partner, and have a legal claim against them, please contact the Law Firm of Rivers Morrell for a free consultation at (949)305-1400. We will take your call in high confidentiality, and our consultations are free.

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