Homeowners or Renters Insurance Should Pay for a Dog Bite Injury

Many people are not aware that the owner’s homeowners or renters insurance should pay for a dog bite injury and all associated costs.  If you’re bitten by a dog, there could be a number of ways to recover all of the costs for the past, present and future medical treatment that you need as well as lost wages for missing work.  You should also receive full and fair compensation for having to endure the attack and recover from your injuries.

Dog bites often result in substantial injury to the skin as well as the ligaments and tendons beneath it.  The irregular nature of these wounds often result in severe scarring which can require plastic surgery (in some cases, multiple procedures) to minimize or remove.  There is also an emotional recovery following an animal attack.  Many victims, especially children require extensive counseling to help them to cope with, move through and ultimately resolve emotional issues which are the result of suffering a dog attack.

Some owners carry specific animal insurance based upon the breed of the dog and associated risks.  However, the most common insurance that pays for these types of injuries is the pet owner’s homeowners or renters insurance.

The homeowners or renters insurance should pay for a dog bite injury and all associated costs and expenses but they are going to make a low offer based upon initial medical costs.  Don’t accept it.  You need an experienced dog bite and personal injury attorney to ensure your final settlement or verdict reflects all of the expenses you will actually face and fair compensation for having to deal with your injuries.

One place you may not expect is the dog owner’s car insurance. Some insurance policies are set up to cover this. Of course, the dog bite will have had to happen while you were riding in the vehicle. If you were carpooling with a co-worker or a minor riding to school with a friend, though, this could come into play.

We invite you to review the strong recommendations of our clients and the legal industry and contact the Law Firm of Rivers Morrell or call to speak with us personally for a free consultation at (949)305-1400.


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